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💡 This area of the home page is the List section

picture of Post

About List section

This section is a list area.

You can display a list of blog post titles and subtitles that have specific categories or tags on the homepage.


  1. Write the blog posts that you want to display in the list.
  2. Add the desired category or tag to the front matter of the blog post.
    For example, in this post, it is written as tags: ['news'].
  3. Edit the home/list variable in the data/siteMetadata.js file.
home: {
  list: {
    enable: true, // required (If false, display nothing)
    href: "/tags/news", // required (If enabled, the path to the specific blog categories or tag must be written. ex:'/categories/tech' '/tags/food' )
    title: "News", // optional (If blank, display nothing)
    maxCount: 3, // required
  • Set enable to true to enable the list display.
  • Specify the path of the category or tag you want to display in href.
    For example, if you want to display the category 'tech', use '/categories/tech'. If you want to display the tag 'food', use '/tags/food'.
  • Enter the title you want to display in the list area in the title field. If you don't need a title, leave it as ''.
  • Enter the number of items you want to display in the maxCount field.
    The list area will display the specified number of items in descending order of date.

Dec 31, 2022